
Property Tax

Advisor, LLC


Impact Tax Appeals

Miami-Dade, County…


Contact Us

Dade Property Tax Advisor, LLC works on a contingent fee to save commercial and residential property owners money.

Call Us for a Free Consultation Today

(305) 445-2600 


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Petition To Reduce Your Property Taxes

$ 97,762,120 in property taxes saved! While few are aware, last year, more than $97 million was refunded to those taxpayers who petitioned for reductions in their property taxes.
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Are You Doing Everything To Control Your Expenses?

While many of your expenses may be beyond your control, you can do something about your property taxes by hiring professionals to fight for a reduction.

We work in Miami-Dade County as your representatives before the Value Adjustment Board and Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser.




Call us today at (305) 445-2600 for a free consultation so we can put our twenty-eight years of experience to work for you.

Urgent Deadline:
The deadline to appeal your property taxes in Miami-Dade County is set by Florida Law. Call Us for a free consultation today.



We prepare the market analysis and attend a hearing to convince a Special Magistrate of the Value Adjustment Board that your property is being overvalued. Any reduction in value we obtain at the hearing results in tax savings for you.

What’s more, your property taxes can not go up as a result of filing an appeal.


Call for your free consultation today (305) 445-2600

Phone:       (305) 445-2600

Fax:            (305) 445-2260


Address:    Dade Property Tax Advisor, LLC, 3162 Commodore Plaza, Suite 2H, Miami, FL 33133






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